Overview of Week 2&3

What would your message have been. One of bright lights and come hither looks or the calm face of control. From Semper to Spuybrock tectiles feacture in architectural language and structures. From fabrication to curtain walls the issues of the material world are part of the dressing up a  city does. The built fabric is the ‘nature of the city. It is what we recall when we leave. (Extracted from the hand-out)

In ‘Between 2 Walls’ workshop, we are dedicated to explore, experiment and design wall surfaces of our hotels but these surfaces are not just walls but has to have some kind of textile, parametrics, joints/fixing/ornaments and kinematic reaction. We start to design the surface by weaving/knitting  with ropes. Weaving a textile by hand reveals much about the tactile qualities of the materials not evident by sight. During the two weeks of this workshop, we will be creating hotel surface designs derived from the aesthetics and structure of  weaving and revealing the qualities of the materials not evident in representational drawings or models.