
Task 4 - Contemplate and design a kinematic reaction the hotels will exhibit in response to environmental stimulus.

This time we have accessed Secondlife to explore, design and create a kinematic reactions that the hotel surface may express. Since this is a virtual world, we could do use this medium as a tool to show how the actual moving parts of the hotels can be designed and built.

To start with, we have generated a simple wall with the brick texture which we have chosen with the weaving. However, it is not actually a brick wall but has series of small windows which looks like brick texture. It has created a moment beautiful lighting effect as the sunlight radiates through the windows. Also, we have revisitted ‘Scratch4SL’ to create a kinematic reactive components onto the media surface of the hotel. The windows are actually reacting to the environment which is affected by the prevailling wind that flows through the windows and makes them to freely move and rotate as if they are fur or hair that get fled by the wind.