Overview of Week 4&5

From J.G.Ballard. "The Ultimate City." In The Complete Short Stories, 873-924. London: Flamingo, 2001.
"...He slept through the night, dreaming of glass aeroplanes, their wings like mirrors, that circles the dark air over his head, waiting to carry him away to some sunlit eyrie among the clouds..."

"...'We watched you driving around,' she told him matter-of-factly and without any rancour. 'Killing all those flowers - in a way it must have been fun.'..."

In this workshop '2 Vehicles' a.k.a. '2 Vechiles', we are to design two vehicles, two landings/platforms/garages that are built on the hotels, and the journey of these vehicles from one hotel to the other.

The requirements of the two vehicles are:
- three avatars must fit.
- vehicles must be tested.
- one vehicle is a reinvention of a rice paper lantern powered by non-renewable resources.
- one vehicle may be freely designed as long as it is powered by renewable resources.
- landings/platforms/garages must be inspired from the 123D Catch models of a coffee cup, a funnel or hair brush.
- philo pastry, seaweed or rice paper must be used to create critical key components on both of the vehicles.
- hotel designs should be considered where the two vehicles arrive and stored.
- no glue or cardboard is to be used.

We are to experiment with different materials and technologies such as the use of seaweed, rice paper and filo pastry for a critical component of the vehicle structure. We will also explore different technologies such as using 3Ds Max to produce 3D printed components of the vehicle, as well as the use of 123D Catch to create two 3D models of a hair brush and coffee cup.

Upcoming Contents of Week 4&5
- Materials – Philo Pastry, Rice Paper, Seaweed
- Initial Flight of Paper Lantern
- Drawings/photos/videos of observation that are moving in nature (regarding forces, dynamics, forms etc. of the movements)
- 123D Catch of a Coffee Cup and Hair Brush
- Research of Flying Vehicles and the Technology/Engineering of How They Move
- Research about Non-renewable Energy and Renewable Energy
- Ways to Move Across the Water
- Further Research and Thinking of Ideas
- Vehicle 1 - Flying Lantern
- Vehicle 2 - Boat
- Weather Dependent
- Experience (Spatial/Movement)
- Three 3D Components of the Vehicles
- Two Platforms/Landings/Garages
- Drawings/Photoshopped Images for the Presentation
- Map of Journey